Losing weight No saying makes you thinner

Losing weight No saying makes you thinner / Health News

Resist temptations: Losing weight can help to say no

Many people who want to reduce their weight are often only partially successful, because they often can not resist tasty temptations. In a study has now shown what can help in such cases: If one craves the craving for delicacies, you should just say loud "no".

Losing weight often does not work

Many people often rely on nutritional programs, such as low fat or low carbohydrates, to slim down faster. It is also often recommended to consume a lot of protein. Of unhealthy foods such as sweets or chips but you should better keep your hands off. But unfortunately this does not work too often and you reach for the calorie bombs. British researchers have now been able to show in a study, which can often help to resist temptations: simply say loud no.

A new study has shown how to better withstand unhealthy foods such as sweets or chips by saying "no" loudly. (Image: dream79 / fotolia.com)

Temptations lurk again and again

Probably every person knows food cravings, where you get out of nowhere a wild appetite for something sweet or cravings for chips.

If you give it over again and again, the danger is great to get fatter. But how can you resist such temptations??

By simply saying no, scientists from Britain are reporting.

Examination with obese persons

Researchers at the University of Leeds looked at a study to "examine the feasibility of a short intervention to reduce cases of lenient energy intake," the authors said in the journal "Clinical Obesity".

For this purpose, the scientists carried out a study with 45 overweight persons. The subjects were divided into three groups and examined for eight weeks.

Participants in the control group were required to complete a questionnaire every four days.

The self-monitoring group received the same instructions, but they were also asked to say "no" on occasions that lead to increased food intake.

The feedback group was asked to do the same, but in addition to send a photo or a description of the lure they said no. On this there was then a feedback.

All study participants were able to resist temptations more often

According to the study authors, 80 percent of the subjects completed the study. In 63 percent of the cases, the questionnaire had been completed. Altogether 87 SMS with photos or descriptions of the temptation were sent.

According to the data, all study participants were able to reduce the number of times they were tempted.

Of the participants in the control group, the number was reduced by 4.1 moments per week, of which the self-monitoring group at 13.8 moments per week and the subjects of the feedback group reduced them by 9.0 moments per week.

The study authors' conclusion: Self-observation and no-saying, as well as self-observation and no-saying combined with feedback were successful as simple ways to resist temptation. (Ad)