Is losing carbohydrates really healthy?

Is losing carbohydrates really healthy? / Health News

Nutritionist: Never lose carbohydrates when losing weight

Although the motto for a long time was that a reduced-fat diet is the best way to lose weight, over the past few years more and more people who want to lose weight have opted for a diet that uses as little carbohydrates as possible. Some even do without it completely. A nutritionist explains why it is strongly discouraged.

Low Carb or Low Fat?

For years, there has been a raging debate over whether less fat or fewer carbohydrates are better at getting rid of excess pounds. Various scientific studies have shown that low-carb performs better than low-fat. If such a diet is too extreme, it can be dangerous. Because the renunciation of carbohydrates can even affect the life expectancy, as studies have shown. Even a popular nutritionist advises urgently from the carbohydrate waiver.

Foods that are high in carbohydrates are considered to be fattening. However, a dietitian strongly advises against eliminating such foods from the diet. (Image: bit24 /

Carbohydrates are "not essential"

According to Andreas Pfeiffer of the German Institute for Nutritional Research (DIfE) in Potsdam, one can in principle live without carbohydrates "because they are not essential".

For example, the Inuit, an indigenous ethnic group that lives mainly in Canada, are traditionally carbohydrate-free. They only eat egg whites and fats. In other parts of the world, a carbohydrate diet would be unimaginable.

Especially not in Italy, the country that stands for pizza and pasta. In a study published in the journal "Nutrition and Diabetes", scientists have shown that pasta does not make you fat. At least not if they are enjoyed in moderation and are eaten with plenty of vegetables and only a little meat.

Great differences in carbohydrates

Also, the nutritionist Melissa Meier from Sydney (Australia) opposes the demonization of carbohydrates. In a post on the Body and Soul portal, she explains why avoiding carbohydrates does not necessarily help you lose weight and is also unhealthy.

As the expert explains, there is a huge difference between carbohydrates from foods such as legumes and fruits and carbohydrates from cakes, candies and ice cream.

Of course, reducing carbohydrates from the latter category would promote good health, but omitting healthy foods altogether just because they contain carbohydrates is a bad idea.

Healthy wholegrain products and legumes

Bread, Pasta, Rice - foods rich in carbohydrates have a reputation for harming health.

But scientific studies prove the opposite.

According to Melissa Meier, eating cereals (especially whole wheat) is associated with a longer life and a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

"Of course I would not recommend you to eat a huge bowl of spaghetti every day," said the dietician.

"I'm just saying that you should not be afraid to eat a good cereal for breakfast, a slice or two of bread for a sandwich, or a decent portion of rice or pasta for dinner."

In addition, she points out the benefits of healthy legumes: "beans, chickpeas and lentils are not only a good source of long-lasting energy," said the expert, but they are also good for muscle growth.

"This vegetable is one of the few foods that I really call" superfood "," says Meier. They are "a good source of fiber for a healthy gut."

Eat fruit every day

"Dairy products are also a source of carbohydrates thanks to the natural sugar lactose - but do not worry about the dreaded word - this sugar is perfectly healthy as part of a balanced diet," said the dietician.

Milk, yoghurt and cheese are a good source of protein and rich in calcium, which is crucial for strong bones and teeth. In addition, dairy products provide many important micronutrients such as vitamins A, B12 and potassium.

Even fruits contain natural sugar, but should be according to Meier every day two pieces of fruit on the menu. This provides the body with important vitamins and minerals and strengthens the immune system.

According to the expert, it does not matter which fruit you eat, because all varieties are equally good. However, you should always eat different fruits because they contain different antioxidants to combat diseases.

Finally, carbohydrate-rich, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn are a healthy addition to any diet - when consumed in the right amounts. It offers valuable, nutritional benefits.

Cooked and chilled potatoes are good for the gut, according to the nutrition expert. "Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and supports eye health." (Ad)