Slimming Psyllium husks make almost any diet successful

Slimming Psyllium husks make almost any diet successful / Health News

Helpful fiber: reduce the weight with psyllium husks

Be it because you have too much extra pounds on your ribs, want to feel fitter or do something good for your health, there are many reasons why people want to reduce their weight. This can help psyllium husks. But the superfood can do much more.

Obesity poses a risk to health

Being overweight is a health hazard. For example, having too many kilos is more likely to cause cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure or diabetes. According to health experts, even a minimal weight loss would have a significant positive impact. If you want to lose weight you can use psyllium husks. The superfood is recommended for many more reasons.

Psyllium husks stimulate digestion and can help you lose weight. But the superfood can do a lot more: The seeds also act against various health problems. (Image: stefan_weis /

Healthy psyllium husks

Psyllium husks are a traditional component of Ayurveda with amazing effects on the health.

In investigations various positive characteristics could be proven. So helps psyllium in chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Also against diabetes and high cholesterol, psyllium husks, which can absorb more than 50-fold of water, are used. This property stimulates digestion and binds the intestinal contents, for example, in case of diarrhea.

In addition, psyllium seeds generally stimulate the metabolism and help to burn calories better. So they can also help with weight loss.

Remove with fiber

In addition to regular exercise, proper nutrition is especially important if you want to reduce your body weight.

Losing weight with fiber is a method that not only helps to get rid of excess hip gold, but also ensures a healthy gastrointestinal system.

Psyllium husks are especially helpful in such diets. The indigestible seeds of psyllium are a good source of soluble fiber and able to bind 50 times their weight in water.

As a result, they quickly create a feeling of satiety inside the body and counteract food cravings - and even with small quantities.

Integrate into the daily diet

Anyone who wants to lose weight with psyllium husk should integrate it into their daily diet, experts say.

Simply mix one to two spoonfuls of psyllium under each meal and wait a bit before eating to give the seeds enough time to soak in the liquid.

Many people stir the superfood into their cereal or a yogurt. They are also popular on salads, in soups or stews.

It may also make sense not to stir the seeds directly into the food, but to let them soak in a glass of water and drink the mixture before eating. Then you are not too hungry at the beginning of the meal.

How much psyllium husk should be eaten exactly depends on how well you tolerate it.

Therefore, you first try it with small amounts, until you have found out how much is good for you. It would be even better to discuss this with a doctor.

It is very important to pay attention to a sufficient fluid intake. For those who do not drink enough, risk that it comes to constipation and in extreme cases even to a bowel obstruction.

In addition, weight loss takers should always pay attention to a healthy diet. If the menu contains a lot of fruits, vegetables and protein and only a few carbohydrates, the effect of the seeds is accelerated. (Ad)