Losing weight through acupuncture

Losing weight through acupuncture / Health News

Losing weight with acupuncture

Losing weight through acupuncture - Individual treatment instead of "Scheme F".

(04.08.2010) Acupuncture can help you lose weight. For overweight people, who are now half of the German population, there are many good reasons to lose weight. At the forefront are your own health and beauty. Increasingly, the forefinger of health insurances and politicians, who admonishly point out the economic consequences, is also pressing. At the same time, support is provided by a flood of diets, medicines and natural remedies. But not all benefit everyone, especially because different causes can be involved in the development of obesity. In the ear acupuncture, a procedure from the natural healing, which is increasingly used among other things for losing weight, these causes are taken into account individually and the treatment is tuned to it.

Losing weight through acupuncture:
Losing weight through acupuncture
Obesity can make you sick
Causes of overweight
Individual treatment with ear acupuncture
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Obesity can make you sick

The consequences that can arise from persisting overweight are serious. Thus, the chance of developing diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, thrombosis or circulatory disorders should increase as well as the risk of cancer, lung diseases, gallstones, urinary stones and joint arthrosis. Conversely, this risk diminishes if you succeed in reducing weight and maintaining long-term heart attack by 70% and diabetes by as much as 85%. In addition, lightness and flexibility set in, which contribute to the general well-being.

Causes of overweight

Every human being has a vital need for energy, which is built up through the intake of food. Excess energy (calories) are stored as fat and sooner or later prove to be overweight. The reasons for this „overeating“ Often, lifestyle is based on sedentary work, high-calorie meals, and little exercise at leisure.

The question of genetic predisposition remains controversial, because a familial increased obesity can also be explained by the family style of nutrition. Constitutional differences in the development of physique, however, are hard to refute. Possible organic reasons are the hypofunction of the thyroid, a digestive weakness with dysfunctions of the stomach, duodenum, liver or gallbladder. A reduced renal excretion may also be the cause. Last but not least, there are also psychological aspects such as sadness, anxiety, excessive demands, frustration, stress and boredom, which allow us to seek comfort in the food as well „weak nerves“, who provide relapse with the diet started.

Individual treatment with ear acupuncture

The acupuncture on the ear does not replace a change in diet and lifestyle habits. Before or during the treatment, therefore, a consultation and support in this regard is usually essential to successfully lose weight.

Ear acupuncture does not support a ready-made concept for losing weight „Scheme F“ ready. Acupuncture points are treated, which reflect all body structures on the ear as reflex zones. Thus, weakened organs and functional processes (metabolism, excretion, digestion) can be strengthened. Psychologically effective points are also known and are good for relaxing both overeating and unpleasant feelings of losing weight.

Unlike body acupuncture, associated test procedures, e.g. Pushbutton or skin resistance meter show only the acupuncture points, the treatment of which at the current time causes an optimization or regulation of the processes in the organism. This self - organizing principle, which is the basis of innumerable natural remedies, gives the „importance“ the points to be treated. So first the liver point and a point to „Entstressung“ of the autonomic nervous system, although thyroid deficiency is already known. The therapist assembles these signs into a highly individualized treatment plan with clues he has gained in conversation and observation.

Although this natural healing method does not stand up to any evidence-based study, experience has shown that it helps a large number of people to fight obesity. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 04.08.2010)

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