Lose weight This dietary drink makes the pounds melt

Lose weight This dietary drink makes the pounds melt / Health News

Switchel: Tasty trend drink with apple cider vinegar makes losing weight easy

Who wants to reduce his weight, often torments with long diets and foods that do not taste. However, there are also tasty things that can help you lose weight. For example, a drink mixed with apple cider vinegar, ginger, lemon and maple syrup. The new trend drink is also good for your health.

Losing weight is often difficult

Clear: Who wants to reduce his weight, must move regularly. However, sport alone does not help against overweight. Although it burns calories and eliminates the constant hunger, but more crucial is the diet. Some people try to get rid of extra pounds with the help of various diet programs. But often the belly fat just does not want to disappear. Maybe you should try Switchel. The new Trend drink should help you lose weight and serve your health.

Switchel is a refreshing drink made from apple cider vinegar, lemon, maple syrup and ginger. Depending on the taste, the drink can also be refined with apple juice. The Trend Drink helps to lose weight and health. (Image: Alexander / fotolia.com)

Drinks help with weight loss

Scientific research has shown that healthy ginger can help you lose weight.

The daily glass of lukewarm water with lemon can also help with weight loss.

Mix the two ingredients and add apple cider vinegar and maple syrup to get a drink that some refer to as the "switchel". Especially in the US, the trend drink provides great enthusiasm.

The slightly spicy and very refreshing drink is also ready mixed to buy, but he can also easily make himself.

Tasty mixture

For the drink you need a liter of water, a large piece of ginger, four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, four teaspoons of maple syrup (alternative: honey) and a little lemon juice.

The ginger we peeled, cut into small pieces and then cooked briefly in the water. As the potion cools, the vinegar, maple syrup and lemon juice are mixed together.

Then the ginger water is added through a sieve, everything stirred well and then stored in the refrigerator.

The drink can also be refined individually, for example with apple juice.

Healthy ingredients

The fact that the drink can help you lose weight depends on the healthy ingredients. For example, apple cider vinegar stimulates the formation of digestive juices and thus promotes digestion.

In addition, it has a positive effect on the acid-base content and regulates the blood sugar level and thus prevents food cravings.

Lemon juice also stimulates the digestion and contributes to strengthen the immune system due to the abundant vitamin C.

Although maple syrup does not help to get rid of extra pounds, but takes the drink a bit of sharpness thanks to the sweetness. In addition, it is considered healthier than sugar.

The biggest contributor to weight loss is ginger. Responsible for the "fat killer" effect are certain "agitators". Because the root contains the active ingredients capsaicin and gingerol, which trigger a heat irritation when consumed by their sharpness.

The human body responds to this with increased blood flow and sweating to curb the supposed overheating and cool the body.

For this the metabolism is activated, which consumes additional calories. Thus, more fatty tissue is burned.

Wunderknolle against health complaints

The Wunderknolle is not only good for losing weight, ginger also helps against diseases. Thus, the tuber, according to a study, relieving menstrual pain. Even in cancer therapy ginger is sometimes used.

According to the German Cancer Aid, the root has a convincing effect against the stomach symptoms associated with chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting.

Ginger is also popular as a home remedy for fullness. The tuber has digestive problems, diarrhea and many other ailments.

In natural medicine, the root has long been used against high blood lipid levels. In addition, ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help strengthen the immune system. (Ad)