Evening fast against menopausal complaints

Evening fasting helps against menopausal symptoms: Chinese medicine offers gentle help even without hormones
For many women, it is one of the worst stages of life: menopause. They stand for the end of fertility and announce - often rudely - the second half of life. With hot flashes, panic attacks, and uncontrollable emotional outbursts, hormonal change not only affects women's lives, but often makes it difficult for those around them. Hormones, formerly the panacea for this time, are now in disrepute. According to Chinese medicine, they are also unnecessary, because simple measures often help with simple measures that every afflicted woman can implement at home. In menopause severe women find help in Chinese drug therapy.
Biologically, menopause makes perfect sense. „In the course of life the degeneration risk of the body cells increases and estrogens have a strong cell-propagating effect“, describes Dr. Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the clinic at the Steigerwald. „Menopause is therefore also a protective mechanism of the body to prevent degeneration. Women should not shy away from this protection by taking hormones.“ Menopause describes a normal physiological process - even if many women do not feel comfortable at all. Every woman also experiences menopause differently: some do not notice anything at all, others suffer from very severe complaints. Here, Chinese medicine is a good alternative to hormone preparations dar. Although in classical Chinese medical literature, this exists „illness“ not, but European TCM practitioners have developed modern and effective therapy concepts based on Chinese disease understanding. „Chinese formulas calm and invigorate at the same time and not only help against classic menopausal symptoms, but also against climacteric eczema, palpitations, depression, sleep disorders and feelings of heaviness“, knows Dr. Schmincke from many patient treatments. „It is usually enough for those affected to take the Chinese medicines for only a few weeks in order to achieve rapid and lasting efficacy.“
However, many women simply help with Chinese measures to better cope with hormonal changes. „Women should take their time“, advises Dr. Schmincke. „In addition, they can support their body by generally eating less. This is especially true for sweets, dairy and meat.“ In addition, a must: daily exercise in the great outdoors. Chinese qigong, for example, relieves and loosens the body. Some women also enjoy evening fasting. They should take the last meal at noon and then drink only water or herbal teas. It is best to abstain from coffee or black tea altogether. (Pm)
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