5 small exercises that help against everyday stress

5 small exercises that help against everyday stress / Health News
With mindfulness exercises: avoid stress and tension
Those who live completely in the here and now and focus on what they are doing, prevent stress and tension. In our everyday life, however, we are often exposed to stressful situations. We write an email, make a call at the same time, make an appointment and take notes. Even in their spare time, many people do not manage to switch off and relax. In an interview with the news agency "dpa", Günter Hudasch from the association of MBSR and MBCT teachers in Germany gives tips on coping with stress. Anyone who regularly completes certain exercises can therefore prevent much.

Exercise mindfulness to prevent stress
The exercises are a mindfulness training. That sounds easy at first, but is unusual for many people. Among other things, the exercises include the conscious concentration on the own breath and the feeling of the body, without letting the thoughts circle around other things. Those who succeed can experience their everyday life much more relaxed and stress-free.

Simple exercises can help against the stress of the job. (Image: shock / fotolia.com)

Hudasch proposes the exercise "walk barefoot" for the summer. For this, shoes and stockings are taken off. Then you walk barefoot over a meadow, focusing on the feeling of walking. Is the grass tickling the sole of the foot? Is it soft or firm? Does the grass feel dry or damp, warm or cold? The steps can be set slowly and carefully. When putting on the foot should be paid attention to the unwinding and let the tension.

Perform exercises consciously and concentrated
"Showering with all your senses" is another exercise that serves relaxation. According to Hudash, many people are already mentally busy with other things while showering tomorrow. "What awaits me in the office?" Or "I have to finish the report today" are just a few of the thoughts that circle in the morning. To let them go, the expert advises to concentrate fully on showering and to enjoy it with all the senses. How does the warm water feel on the skin and scalp? What does the freshly showered skin and washed hair smell like??

Even in the office, some exercises can be performed. Like drinking relaxed tea. It is especially important to take time to drink tea and not at the same time to do a job or to make a phone call. If you consciously drink your tea, you can concentrate on your taste. The warming sensation in the mouth and after swallowing the tea can also have a relaxing effect.

Concentration on the breath relaxes the body and mind and prevents stress
Another stress reduction exercise involves focusing on breathing. Many people do not consciously perceive their own breath. With this exercise, they learn to feel in themselves. For this you should sit upright and inhale through the nose. It focuses on the feeling that arises when the air flows into the body and back out and raises the chest and then lowers. When exhaling you should relax as much as possible. One can imagine, for example, that the stress and the everyday ballast with the breathing air from the body are passed.

The exercise "Body Scan" is used to sense the entire body, from bottom to top. The practitioner learns to consciously direct the attention. Often it is not possible to feel every part of the body the first time. However, body awareness improves over time. It's best to start with toes and walk piece by piece through the body until you arrive at the top. You should lie on your back and close your eyes. (Ag)