31 children with vomiting diarrhea in the hospital

31 children with vomiting diarrhea in the hospital / Health News

Massive vomiting of children in a day care center near Halle (Sangershausen). To date, 31 children have been hospitalized for acute diarrhea and severe vomiting. According to the health authorities „the cause is not identified yet“.


In Sangerhausen, a total of 31 children from a kindergarten had to be taken to a clinic. All sufferers suffered from severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. „The cause is still unclear“, shared a spokesman for the district of Mansfeld-Südharz on Friday. It could be that it was because of the food. There could be germs, viruses or other toxic substances in the food.

The nursery had called the emergency service at noon and this the health department. Several children between two and six years suddenly suffered from vomiting diarrhea. As a result, all children were examined by emergency physicians and provided medical care. Paramedics then took the toddlers to the nearest hospital.

The other children should be examined immediately. For this, the parents were asked by the Kita. For this purpose, the parents should bring their little ones to the clinic. Diarrhea, which occurs at the same time as vomiting, is particularly dangerous in very young patients, because the children quickly become so-called „internal dehydration“ can suffer. For this reason, children are placed on the drip in a relatively short time and supplied with electrolytes.

Children had not had lunch yet
Initial surveys of the supervisors of the Kita have shown that the children have not eaten lunch. In the investigation were according to authorities „Medical officer, county veterinary and food supervision turned on to find out what was the trigger“, such a speaker.

In the nursery run by the city of Sangerhausen, a total of 130 children are cared for in the nursery and kindergarten. „Of the vomiting diarrhea but only the kindergarten is affected.“ he many children were in the facility at the time of the outbreak is still unclear. The fact is, however, that no educator is affected by the symptoms.

Until the trigger is not clearly known, should parents, educators and relatives of the ill children comply with the usual hygiene measures. „This includes intensive hand washing, not just after going to the bathroom“. To handle the children directly, parents, doctors and nurses will wear mouth and nose protection and protective gloves. All surfaces that have come into contact with the infected are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. In the clinic, a separate toilet is installed. (Sb)

Picture: Paulwip