25 percent suffer from osteoporosis

25 percent suffer from osteoporosis / Health News

Around 25 percent of people in Germany suffer from osteoporosis. The proportion of women is over 70 percent. A healthy diet and adequate exercise are important for prevention.

Osteoporosis has long since developed into a so-called widespread disease. It is estimated that around 25 percent of the population suffer from osteoporosis nationwide, with a strong upward trend. In international comparison, Germany is in the midfield, behind Scandinavia and the USA, but ahead of China and the African countries. On the occasion of the World Osteoporosis Day, we took a closer look at the causes, development and measures for prevention.

What happens with osteoporosis??
Osteoporosis is a disease associated with bone loss and loss of skeletal stability. Doctors refer to a bone metabolism disorder that is characterized by the loss of bone mass, bone structure and bone function and associated with bone fractures, especially vertebral fractures and femoral neck fractures. Especially women are affected by osteoporosis: About 70 percent of the patients are women. Most women fall ill from the age of 50 and often after the menopause. Men are often affected after the age of 60. However, many people fall ill already after the 40th year of life, orthopedic surgeons speak of a so-called. „juvenile osteoporosis“. Often, osteoporosis is recognized too late, namely when a bone is already broken by instability. On the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day on October 20, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) in Baden-Württemberg informed about risks and prevention of the disease.

Symptoms of osteoporosis
The symptoms are often initially under stress, which lead to chronic back pain, low back pain and body aches. The pain occurs less in the bones themselves, but especially by muscle tension in the affected body regions. The affected suffer partly from very severe pain, in the advanced stage without strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Women are more affected
The greatest risk of osteoporosis is women over the age of 50 years. Genetic dispositions (in the family, osteoporosis already occurred in the first degree) play an important role. A second indicator of risk is women who have been underweight for life. Other pre-existing conditions and certain medications, etc. with the active ingredient cortisone can influence the density of the bones.

Osteoporosis mitigate risks from diet and exercise
Significant risks are also negative ways of life and nutrition. Those who are not very active, who eat and smoke unhealthily, also have an increased risk of developing a disease. However, it is precisely the latter risks that can be avoided. „This is where prevention should start“, explained Nicole Battenfeld, nutritionist at TK. For those who actively and sufficiently move, for example, can stimulate bone formation. An active movement is also useful if the maximum bone mass after about 30 years has already been reached. Nevertheless, according to Battenfeld can be positively influenced by movement of the degradation into old age, if you move sufficiently and regularly.

Meaningful types of movement are sports that can be practiced in the fresh air. These include cycling, fast running (jogging), fast walking (walking) and regular long walks. During an active movement, the important vitamin D is formed, which is extremely responsible for the bone metabolism. If you move outdoors, the body can use the UV rays to produce and store the vitamin D itself.

An ideal and balanced diet can also prevent osteoporosis. Numerous foods contain the very important vitamin D. Especially in fish (especially sea fish), milk, cheese, eggs, spinach and mushrooms a lot of vitamin D is included. Vitamin supplements in the form of tablets should be avoided as far as possible, as only through the interaction of the natural active ingredients an ideal prevention can be achieved.

Another important prevention factor is a calcium-rich diet. Calcium, like vitamin D, helps build and maintain bones. “The daily ration of an adult should be between 1,000 and 1,500 mg of calcium”, so the recommendation the TK expert. In children and adolescents, pregnant women and during lactation, however, the need for the mineral calcium is even higher. Much of the important mineral can be found in dairy and dairy products like cheese. Much calcium is also found in green vegetables such as spinach or fennel. Calcium is also found in tofu and nuts. According to the WHO, the recommended daily amount of calcium in adults is between 450 to 1000 milligrams (mg). Again, additional preparations are not necessarily useful, as half a liter of milk and two slices of cheese can cover the daily requirement. New studies have also found that supplemental calcium supplements can promote heart attack risk. Therefore, such additional preparations should only be taken in close consultation with the doctor. “Calcium supplements should only be taken after consultation with the doctor. Too much can also have negative effects”, as well as the TC health expert advises.

Which diet should be avoided for osteoporosis prevention?
However, some foods can also remove the important minerals again. These include larger amounts of coffee (caffeine) and alcohol. These two substances cause calcium to be excreted in large quantities via the kidneys. Large quantities of sausage, processed cheese, meat and soft drinks are also negative, as they contain phosphates, which impede the incorporation of calcium in the bones. "If you want to avoid phosphate-containing foods and ready meals, you should look out for the pack according to numbers E 338 to 341 and E 450", so the advice of the nutrition expert. As aluminum has recently been suspected of favoring osteoporosis, aluminum pots and kettles should not be used.

Early diagnosis important for successful treatment
If osteoporosis is detected early enough, there are numerous treatment options and therapies available to relieve symptoms or stop the effects of the disease. For this reason, it is very important to consult a doctor for minimal symptoms. Only with timely treatment can the painful complaints be stopped. (sb, 13.10.2010)

Also read:
Disease description of osteoporosis
Calcium supplements only in consultation with the doctor
Bone softening: osteomalacia and rickets