20 health insurance companies in financial difficulties

20 health insurance companies in financial difficulties / Health News

20 health insurance companies in financially strained situation


The financial hardship of the statutory health insurance is apparently greater than previously thought. On Kassenpatienten will soon come to a nationwide additional contribution. More than 20 health insurance companies are affected by serious financial problems. 93 funds are under constant observation of the Federal Insurance Office.

More than 20 health insurance companies have a serious financial problem and have to push for the cost brake. Some insurance companies even fear that they will demand an additional contribution from their insured. „A quarter of the funds under our supervision are under the minimum order“, commented a spokesman for the Federal Insurance Office in Berlin. Legislation requires at least 0.25 monthly expenses as reserve. „Some funds have done too little“, warned Tobias Schmidt from the Federal Insurance Office.

The situation not only affects smaller funds, but also big ones. Decisive is not the volume of the health insurance, but the reserve. „Even larger funds have a low financial reserve“, so the speaker. However, the observation does not mean that a health insurance company is close to bankruptcy. The 20 health insurances have to save, so that new reserves can be formed. This includes a reduction in staff and deletions in voluntary health services, as they are not noted in the catalog of benefits. Additional measures may be additional lump sums. However, these are very unpopular with the coffers, as long as no nationwide additional contributions are levied. Many insured persons make use of their special right of termination.

Out of 150 health insurance companies, 93 are currently under the strict supervision of the supervisory authority. According to internal information, these include, above all, company health insurance funds as well as substitute health insurance funds. Which cash registers are exactly affected, the spokesman did not comment. After all, insured persons should not be unsettled.

From the black-yellow coalition this situation is wanted. While Techniker Krankenkassen have millions in profits, others no longer know where savings can still take place. Most recently, the City BKK had to be closed because the financial benefits from the health fund were no longer sufficient. The policy wants to achieve a total reduction of the health insurance. In addition, a competition between the providers should take place. This includes mergers and closures. „Health insurance companies that can not get along with the money they receive from the health fund have to make additional contributions from their members.“ (Sb)

Image: Claudia Hautumm