Psyllium - application and effects

Psyllium - application and effects /
The shape of the seeds is said to be reminiscent of fleas, which is why they are called psyllium. Also the plant from which they originate, the Indian psyllium or Indian flea plantain, which is related to our ribwort plantain. Psyllium is a remedy for constipation, diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Here are the most important facts:

  • Psyllium seeds are seeds of a plantain family from India and Iran.
  • They provide water-soluble fiber in a particularly digestible form.
  • Seeds and especially seed shells provide a lot of mucus and fats.
  • They bind water in the intestine and thicken the stool.
  • The mucus acts in the intestine like a lubricant.
  • They promote digestion and help against diarrhea as well as constipation.
  • They transport infectious substances out of the body and so relieve chronic intestinal diseases.
  • They do not replace medications.


  • The plant
  • Psyllium as a medicinal plant
  • A swelling agent
  • How do you take psyllium??
  • How long do you take the psyllium??
  • What should you pay attention to?
  • For diarrhea and constipation
  • Water soluble fiber
  • Removal of pollutants
  • Blood sugar and blood fat
  • Psyllium for losing weight?
  • side effects
  • Allergic reaction
  • Nothing for toddlers
  • Psyllium instead of medication?
  • How much psyllium per day?
  • Psyllium and seed husks
  • Psyllium as food

The plant

Plantago ovata, the Indian psyllium, grows low and annual, with fine hairs. The leaves form a rosette, the small flowers are in ears. In capsules, oval seeds are of a pale color. This plantain grows in India and Iran.

Psyllium is a natural remedy for constipation and bowel problems. As they dehydrate, it is important to ensure adequate hydration. (Image: UbjsP /

Psyllium as a medicinal plant

The outer skin of the seed coat serves as a remedy. This contains veritable amount of mucilage with sugars such as galactose and rhamnose as well as rich oil. The seeds provide oils, proteins and iridoid glycosides. As a medicine, the seeds are harvested together with the shells and are available here in pharmacies. Indigenous people in India and Iran have used the seeds for many centuries to treat digestive and intestinal complaints.

A swelling agent

Decisive for the medical effect are the mucilage. Arrived in the intestine, they bind water and swell up. This increases the volume of the intestinal contents and this stimulates digestion - helping with constipation, but also when feeling bloated or irritated. The very rich oil also lubricates the intestines and thus ensures a fast transport of the intestinal contents. Jellied seeds or seed shells are more laxative than whole seeds, which often go through the gastrointestinal tract intact.

How do you take psyllium??

For the mucilage to work, you should drink a lot. It's best to let the seed coat swell in a glass of water. Then drink it and then best two more glasses of water.

During the day you should drink at least two liters - water, tea or diluted fruit juices. Otherwise, the mucus will not swell too much, and little swollen mucus may stick to the intestinal wall.

How long do you take the psyllium??

The effect of psyllium appears after two to three days. Every day for a long time, you should not eat psyllium, at least not as whole seeds, as they contain a lot of energy.

What should you pay attention to?

When taking medicines that work through the intestines, you should not use psyllium at the same time, as they hinder the absorption of other medicines by the mucus absorbs them. You should take between three and five hours between taking psyllium and these medicines. You must not use psyllium if your esophagus, your stomach or intestines are narrowed, if the gastrointestinal tract is acutely inflamed or you have an intestinal obstruction.

If you suffer from diseases in which you are not allowed to drink a lot, for example, if you have kidney and heart problems, then your doctor will decide if psyllium is suitable for you. For example, it may be advisable to swell the psyllium instead of quark in water.

Medicines - especially those that act on the intestines - should not be taken simultaneously with psyllium. If in doubt, ask your doctor. (Image: bilderstoeckchen /

For diarrhea and constipation

Psyllium can be used for both constipation and diarrhea, especially in chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Here, the seeds bind the excess water and thicken the stool, also regulate the emptying and relieve those affected, who rarely need to use the toilet. In chronic intestinal diseases, this means an increased quality of life in everyday life.

AttentionIf you treat diarrhea with psyllium, you should still drink enough, because the psyllium only binds excess water, which is still in the intestine, but not what has already been eliminated.

In inflammation in the intestine, the mucus film also acts as a protection for irritated and inflamed areas, so relieves the pain during bowel movements and acts as a lubricant to constrictions that are triggered by the inflammation.

Water soluble fiber

Indian psyllium seeds are water-soluble fiber that decompose bacteria of the colon flora. The bacteria form short-chain fatty acids, which in turn nourish the epithelial layer of the intestine and thus promote the defense of carcinogenic substances. The mucus binds particles that promote inflammation and traps free radicals. So the psyllium indirectly reduce oxidative stress.

Removal of pollutants

Psyllium seeds have a laxative effect, helping to remove pollutants. This is especially important for chronic intestinal inflammations such as ulcerative colitis. In general, they support the intestinal flora, which can be regenerated by the psyllium.

Blood sugar and blood fat

The mucus of the flea seed binds free fats in the intestine and thus reduces problematic cholesterol (LDL) from food, but not the health-safe cholesterol (HDL).
Diabetics help psyllium in that these water-soluble fibers stabilize blood sugar levels. In people with type II diabetes, psyllium can also help to reduce weight and lower blood pressure.

Psyllium seeds specifically reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the body by binding the pollutants to itself. (Image: designer491 /

Psyllium for losing weight?

The intake of psyllium results in a feeling of satiety due to its water-soluble fiber. However, the whole seeds also contain many fats and proteins, and therefore many calories, so they are not necessarily suitable as a means of weight loss.

side effects

Side effects are rare and not serious, but sometimes appear. If your body is not used to psyllids or fiber-rich foods, the adjustment may lead to bloating and cramping. Here it helps to drink even more water.

Allergic reaction

If you are allergic to psyllium, you may experience irritation of the lungs and trachea. If this is the case, contact a doctor immediately. However, allergy sufferers usually already notice their problems when inhaling or touching seed particles.

Nothing for toddlers

Psyllium is not suitable for infants because the tiny seeds can be inhaled and then irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract as a foreign body.

Psyllium instead of medication?

Psyllium are suitable for the complementary treatment of chronic intestinal inflammation as well as in the context of a special diet for diarrhea or constipation. However, they do not replace drugs for ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

How much psyllium per day?

To dissipate or bind the stool in the intestine, one teaspoon to three tablespoons per day. When it comes to absorbing LDL, you should take up to nine teaspoons a day.

Psyllium and seed husks

A psyllium consists of seed kernel and seed coat. The effect of dietary fiber is measured by the swelling index, which is one gram after four hours of swelling. Whole psyllium seeds have a source index of nine, whereas psyllium husks have forty. Thus, the shells thicken the chair far more effectively and shorten its transport through the intestine.

Psyllium as food

Psyllium is not primarily medicine but food supplement and is well suited for a balanced diet and a smooth digestion. They harmonize with yoghurt and quark, so they are suitable for the morning muesli, also in combination with raisins, dried blackberries and oatmeal.

They also make a good filling for soups and stews, they fit in vegetable soups (pumpkin, potatoes, carrots) as well as legumes (beans, lentils) and barley, pasta and rice. They are also recommended as litter over green lettuce, one to two teaspoons are good in smoothies.

tipPlace your pesto with basil, pine nuts, garlic and Parmesan with a teaspoon of psyllium or sprinkle psyllium along with grated cheese over the tomato sauce of the spaghetti. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)