
refugees /

Who is considered a refugee?

Refugees are persons forced out of an emergency to give up their home country or current center of life in order to seek temporary or permanent protection in another region. Common causes of flight include wars, civil wars, environmental disasters, political persecution, violent conflicts, religious conflicts and extreme poverty without prospects.

Geneva Refugee Convention as legal basis

The Refugee Convention of 1951 is based on international refugee law. It refers to a refugee as a person who "because of the well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, belonging to a particular social group or because of their political convictions outside country of which it is a national. "(vb)

Refugees with a high risk of mental illness

Consequences of war and violence cause schizophrenia and stress disorders Many people currently flee from war, violence and persecution. Such refugees ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Refugees in the majority healthier than expected

If many people are housed in a relatively small space, the danger increases that they infect each other with infectious diseases. In…
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data -orientation = "horizontal"> Increased number of refugees is preparing emergency rooms problems

A large number of refugees presents some emergency rooms Problems that the emergency rooms in clinics are completely overcrowded, keeps coming back. Currently ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Refugees: More than half reach Germany traumatized

Especially refugees from Syria flee from hunger, war and violence. Most of the refugees therefore also have mental injuries. Psychotherapists fo ...
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