
extremities /
The extremities or limbs are body attachments that are paired and moved by muscles. In humans, the arms and legs are part of the extremities. In ungulates such as cattle, pigs and horses, the front extremity is similar to the rear. In the course of evolution, many of the terrestrial animals have their forelimbs transformed.

In birds and bats, for example, wings have formed, in humans and monkeys gripping tools. In insects include the mouthparts and the feelers also to the limbs. The fins are the essential extremities of the fish. Cephalopods such as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish have tentacles or tentacles as limbs. (Vb)



The extremities or limbs are body attachments that are paired and moved by muscles. In humans, the arms and legs belong to ...
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The end members of the foot are called toes. Usually we humans have five toes, the big toe (hallux, digitus pedis I) inside, the small ...
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The fingers fulfill an enormously broad spectrum of functions. They not only serve for easy gripping and touching, but also, for example, as an element of ...
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What to do for pain on the elbow? The elbow is used in many sports but especially when working on the computer, craftsmanship as well as b ...
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