parental benefits

parental benefits /
The parental allowance is a social guidance that should compensate for the missing income when parents look after their child after birth. Parental benefit is considered one of the most valued family benefits in Germany, as it ensures the economic well-being of the family and helps parents to better combine family and work. Parental allowance can be claimed by both the mother and the father of the child. If both parents exercise the parental allowance, the additional rules apply through the ElterngeldPlus.

If both parents claim the parental allowance, they can receive a total of up to 14 months of benefits, which they can divide freely, so for example, the mother gets nine months parental allowance and the father five. If only one parent uses parental allowance, this benefit can be taken up to twelve months. The parental allowance can be applied for at the parental benefit office responsible for the respective city. The amount paid out is 65 per cent of the net income of the caring parent, but not less than € 300 and not more than € 1800. (Vb)

Verdict: Depression due to premature miscarriage must not reduce parental benefit

BSG clarifies parental allowance after pregnancy-related illness Is a woman because of a miscarriage and a subsequent depression for a long time Arbeitsunf ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> The share of fathers in parental allowance increases

Fathers share in parental allowance rises19.05.2011 More and more fathers take a break and take parental care for their newborn child.

(Picture 1: Picture by JOGI /