
lonliness /
Man is a herd animal, it is often said. On the other hand, loneliness is a sensation in people who are separate or isolated from other people. In the first place, loneliness is rated as something negative. Loneliness can, under certain conditions, also have positive aspects that sort ideas or promote creativity. This is especially true for a self-chosen, temporary loneliness. For people who do not voluntarily fall into solitude, this can bring with it many health risks.

For example, lasting loneliness can become a heavy burden and, for example, cause stress and make you very unhappy. Experts compare the effects of loneliness with the health risks of smoking, obesity and hypertension. Various studies have shown that loneliness increases the risk of developing heart disease, lung disease, depression, sleep disorders and dementia. There is no measure of loneliness because it is subjectively perceived differently. Some people feel lonely in a crowded room, others can live for months as a hermit, without feeling lonely. (Vb)

Loneliness is often the first indication of Alzheimer's disease?

Doctors note that people with Alzheimer's suffer 7.5 times more often from loneliness Is there a connection between loneliness and the development of Alzheimer's?
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/einsamkeit-oft-erster-hinweis-fuer-eine-alzheimer-erkrankung-20161103208443" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Research: Loneliness blocks our defenses

Friendships are Good for the Immune System Humans are social beings and therefore need other people to literally "like the air they breathe". Error ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/forschung-einsamkeit-blockiert-unsere-abwehrkraefte-2015112550381" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = " horizontal "> Study: Loneliness harms the health

Lack of social contacts are detrimental to health03.11.2013Hundred thousands of people in Germany are lonely. Experts warn that the f ...
More loneliness is as harmful as smoking

Loneliness harms the immune system and is about as harmful as smoking or being overweight. (27.07.2010) Lonely people often have depression ...