Enema - impact and implementation

The intestine consists of small intestine and large intestine. Depending on the type of enema, the entire colon or only the rectum are emptied. For the cleaning of the small intestine an oral intake with suitable preparations is necessary.
- Historical review
- Different devices
- Enema - therapeutic
- Risks and side effects
- Contraindications
- How often is an enema done?
- The enema at home
- rinse
Historical review
A slightly bizarre story was the beginning of the enema. The ancient Egyptians believed that the sacred ibis (a stork-like bird of the ibis and spoonbill family) repeatedly stuck its beak in its anus. But the truth was different: he took a secretion from his rumpus to grease his plumage. However, this was the beginning of the enema.
The enema, a still today common utensil, became already modern at that time. Today's name comes from the Greek, so "klysterion" means purification.
Such enemas were already used in antiquity mainly to empty the intestine, but also to apply drugs or nutrients. They were meant to nourish sick people who could not eat or keep anything. So-called nutrient enemas contained, for example, broths, wine, milk or pureed meat.

As early as 3000 years before Christ, it was argued that diseases can also be caused by intestinal blockage. Added to this was the common belief that so-called "disease demons" would leave the body through the gut. An administered enema should speed this up. An enema at that time consisted of a cut off cattle horn.
According to the teachings of the famous Greek physician Hippocrates, health only existed when the body fluids were balanced. So even then a constipation was referred to as imbalance. Guidance methods, such as bloodletting, cupping and also the enema, belonged to the applied therapies and are today again modern in natural medicine.
In the 16th and 17th centuries prevailed the heyday of the enema, a veritable enema craze. And not just for colon cleansing, but to stay healthy and young and to keep a youthful skin. So the enema was even used daily.
Different devices
The implementation of an inlet is possible with different devices.
These include, depending on the capacity, disposable enemas, micro enemas and irrigators. The disposable enemas have a capacity of 100 to 200 milliliters, the micro enemas five to ten milliliters and with the irrigators a liquid volume of one to two liters is possible.
Irrigators, disposable enemas, enema syringes and klyso pumps are the most commonly used entry-level devices for home colon cleansing. The inlet devices are available in the pharmacy or online and differ in structure and application.
The irrigator consists of a container, a tube and a gut tube. This is introduced up to 30 centimeters, very carefully, into the anus. With this device, a liquid supply of up to two liters is possible. In use, the term "high enema" is often used because it allows the entire colon to be cleaned.
With the disposable enema (or micro enema) only the rectum is "irritated". It uses between five and 200 milliliters of fluid, which is usually a hypertonic solution. This binds the water in the intestine, making the stool softer. In a disposable enema no intestinal tube is needed. This is especially in constipation the drug of choice and also for babies and toddlers used.
In a so-called Klyso pump, the introduction of a larger amount of rinsing liquid is possible, namely up to two liters. With the pump, the liquid contained in a separate container is sucked in and then pumped by means of a hose in the anus.

Enema - therapeutic
Therapeutic indications for an enema are the preparation for childbirth, the presence of persistent constipation (congestion), constipation after surgery and drug administration via the intestine. If a patient is unable to take oral medication, this can happen through the intestinal lining. For this purpose, an enema is performed.
If a patient has too high an ammonia level in the blood, which usually happens as a result of cirrhosis of the liver, the medicine uses the lactulose enema. The lactulose (lactulose is a double sugar that pulls water into the colon and binds ammonia) can bind too much ammonia, which is then eliminated.
Another example is the so-called Resonium inlet, which is used in conjunction with chronic renal insufficiency. If the kidney function is disturbed, it may increase the potassium in the blood (hyperkalaemia). Resonium (it exchanges sodium for potassium ions in the intestine) supports the excretion of potassium.
Risks and side effects
A careful, properly performed enema usually leads to no side effects. Whereby this depends on the person who gets the enema. Some people are sensitive to it. If the enema is carried out too often, it can lead to damage to the intestinal flora.
The wrong water temperature may cause seizures or scalds. If any acidic substances are added to the liquid, it may cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. In the worst case, anaphylactic shock is possible in response to the rinsing fluid used. Other side effects include circulatory problems, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Improper use may cause injury to the intestinal wall or anus.
For enemas there are the following contraindications:
- bowel obstruction,
- Malformations in the intestinal area,
- hemorrhoids,
- kidney disease,
- chronic inflammatory bowel disease,
- heart disease,
- pregnancy,
- lactation,
- Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
- and acute abdominal diseases.

How often is an enema done?
Too often performed enemas, as already mentioned, can damage the intestinal mucosa. Anyone who suffers from constipation should under no circumstances exaggerate this measure. However, once a month an enema is not a problem.
If the intestine is previously cleansed in conjunction with therapeutic fasting, it is harmless twice a year. But listen to your stomach - you feel total discomfort, alone at the thought of an enema, then leave this.
The enema at home
If you want, you can make an in-house entrance. It is best to start with a small amount of fluid to get familiar with the process. Be sure to find a place near a toilet to carry out. You should have enough time and rest. Obtain an infusion set, such as an irrigator, from the pharmacy and read the instructions carefully.
The longer the water stays in the intestine, the better the effect. Ten to fifteen minutes are recommended. But do not despair if this is not possible. Even if you need to go to the bathroom quicker, it does not mean that the enema is unsuccessful. If the use of an irrigator is too complicated, an enema will get it. Especially for self-application, this is much easier and therefore recommended. In the pharmacy or a well-stocked drugstore even finished "mini enemas", for example, with the additions of glycerin, olive oil and chamomile available.
In general, you should rest after the enema. You may need some heat. Lie comfortably on the couch with a blanket and a hot water bottle.
As a rule, lukewarm water with a temperature of about 37 ° C is used as rinsing liquid. Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory and calms the intestine slightly. Additives such as table salt, glycerine, healing clay or oil can be added to the water. However, the recommended amount of the supplement should be taken into account and the onset should end immediately if symptoms or discomfort begin.
Again and again, the enema is touted with coffee. This is to detoxify the liver and bile. However, this is in the hands of a therapist and is not suitable for the unauthorized procedure at home. Side effects such as circulation problems, massive nervousness or disturbances in the electrolyte balance can occur.
Even if enema sets are freely available for sale and the self-implementation is advertised on the internet as simple and recommendable, an enema can still be associated with risks and side effects. Especially if the intestinal flora may already be attacked or severely flammable, this procedure should be kept away. If you are not sure, you should first consult your doctor or alternative practitioner. Who performs an enema at home, should not be alone. In case of circulatory problems, nausea or vomiting, help is on the spot.
The enema due to recurrent obstruction is not a permanent solution. The reason for the constipation must be found and treated properly. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)