
Freeze /

Freezing: A great way to make food more durable

There are many opinions and myths about freezing. The fact is that most foods in the freezer compartment last longer. Also, freezing food can reduce waste, as many foods are thrown away, which are actually too bad for the trash. By storage at -18 degrees Celsius, the proportion of water in the products freezes. This preserves the appearance, taste and nutrients well and reduces the activities of the micro-organisms that cause the food to rot and rot in the normal state.

Which foods can be frozen well?

In particular, foods with not too high water content can be frozen well. These include vegetables such as beans, peas, herbs and carrots as well as meat, poultry and fish. Even bread, rolls, cakes and ready-cooked food can be frozen in the freezer without hesitation. But not all foods are good for freezing. If the water content is too high, the food becomes soggy when thawing and loses its typical consistency. This includes, for example, vegetables such as cucumbers, raw tomatoes, lettuce, raw potatoes and onions, as well as fruits such as watermelons, grapes, raw apples and pears. Dairy products are also unsuitable for freezing as many of these products flocculate upon thawing. (Vb)

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(Photo 1: bravissimos /