
eggs /
Many animals lay eggs. Eggs laying animals are called oviparous. Birds, most reptiles, caudalis, arthropods and worms belong to this group. There are also a few mammals that lay eggs, such as the platypus and the anteater. When we talk about eggs, we mean first and foremost the chicken egg, which is almost indispensable in human nutrition and from which a lot of egg products are produced. On average, every German eats over 200 eggs a year. Eggs are considered nutrient-rich foods. They contain about 6 grams of protein or protein per piece. In addition, eggs contain vitamin A, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin K, B vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron.

From a health point of view, eggs are an issue in both positive and negative contexts. Eggs are reputed to increase cholesterol and thus the risk of vascular congestion and heart attack. Also, it is often in eggs to charges and recall due to salmonella, dioxins and insecticides. But according to recent reports and studies, eggs are much healthier than their reputation suggested years ago. For example, eggs are excellent sources of protein, have many valuable nutrients, reduce the risk of strokes, and increase growth in children. Even the frequently mentioned cholesterol-increasing effect of eggs has been refuted in recent studies. (Vb)

Big recall started: thousands of eggs contaminated with insecticides

Eggs contaminated with biocide are recalled In North Rhine-Westphalia, eggs from the Netherlands are recalled; they should be burdened with an insecticide ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Tough: Why eggs are not in the store in the refrigeration department?

Proper storage: Why eggs in Germany are not in the refrigerated counter Eggs are for many people to the staple foods. According to experts, they are ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data- theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Regular egg consumption boosts growth in children and prevents growth disorders

Doctors are studying the effects of eating eggs in small children Eggs are very popular with many people because of their very high nutritional value.
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data- theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Easter eggs: increasingly rare to detect salmonella on eggs

Raw eggs are less likely to be contaminated with dangerous salmonella. Few days before Easter, many German households are busy dyeing eggs.
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