
honesty /
Honesty is a term that describes a virtuous attribute of man. For the most part, honesty is associated with sincerity, truthfulness, openness, straightforwardness and fairness. For most people in Germany, honesty is one of the most important virtues a person should have - theoretically. Practically, just about every person lies and dizzies more or less. Many people do not want to hear the truth or even perceive it as an insult. But contrary to the classical meaning, even a sometimes lying person can be considered honest.

Originally, honesty refers to honor and describes people who did not steal and did not lie. In the course of education and pedagogy in the education of children, the concept of honesty changed. Thus, there is honesty about the spoken word in the sense of non-lying and honesty in behavior, which is more due to one's ability to self-reflect and non-manipulative to others. Honesty is also central to many psychological and medical studies. (Vb)

Scientists: Brain stimulation - Honesty can be increased

Honest behavior can be enhanced by brain stimulation Being honest is one of the most important characteristics for most people. Despite…
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/wissenschaftler-hirnstimulationen-ehrlichkeit-laesst-sich-erhoehen-20170411272946" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Honesty in the morning, dishonest in the evening

Why people are more honest in the morning than in the evening01.11.2013Honor and morality are dependent on the time of day. This was the result of a study by two American ...

(Photo 1: fergregory / fotolia.com)