
marriage /

Marriage - meaning

The word marriage was derived from the Old High German word ēwa and means "eternity, law, law". A marriage, often referred to as marriage, is a legally, culturally and / or religiously solidified bond that two people enter into. In Germany, the legal attachment of two people is mandatory for a marriage. Other forms of society also allow marriage through religion or natural law as well as plural marriage, which is called polygamy. A legal separation of the spouse requires a divorce. Even if the word marriage is derived from eternity, there are many divorces in Germany. According to statistics, the divorce rate in 2016 was just under 40 percent. By contrast, in 1960 this rate was only about 10 percent.

What effects can marriage have on your health??

A marriage can have a variety of health effects on the spouse. Numerous studies have dealt with this. For example, married people are considered to be happier and more resistant to stress, statistically have a longer life and marriage should even reduce the risk of dementia. However, statistically, the body weight of the spouses and in unfortunate marriages increases with increasing the risk of developing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis and suffer a heart attack or stroke. (Vb)

Health: Married people usually live longer than singles

Marital status with significant impact on the mortality risk Living in a stable partnership has a positive impact on different levels of life at the same time.
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