drug consumption

drug consumption /
Drug use - the use of intoxicating substances - was already widespread in many cultures thousands of years ago. The main intoxicants were alcohol, mushrooms and other psychoactive plants. Even coffee is strictly speaking the drugs. Today's legislation makes it possible to distinguish between legal and illegal drugs, with the term "drug use" usually referring to the use of illegal substances that fall under the Narcotics Act in this country.

While drug use among indigenous peoples is often part of ceremonies and serves spiritual purposes, people in modern industrialized countries often resort to intoxicants for other reasons, such as hoped for increased performance in everyday life, the suppression of their own problems by stunning or the desire to shut down from stress. The health side effects of drug use and the addictive potential of the substances are problematic. Thus, legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco can lead to dependence or addiction and cause fatal health damage. (Fp)

After drug use: Many men could "stray disoriented"

Herbal mixtures smoked: Several men after drug use unconscious Experts repeatedly point to the health hazards of legal drugs, such as ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/nach-drogen-konsum-viele-maenner-koennten-orientierungslos-umherirren-2016011053678" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Studies: One joint a day does not harm the lungs

Low daily use of marijuana does not harm the lungs25.01.2015Kiffen harms the health: this was scientifically proven in numerous studies.
More study: Drug abuse in the brain recognizable

Certain brain structures increase the risk of drug abuse02.05.2012 Can the abuse of drugs in adolescents be recognized in the brain? In the ...

(Photo 1: eyetronic / fotolia.com)