The ears form one of the human sensory organs, serving not only the perception of noises but also the organ of balance. The structure of the ear is divided into three areas: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Each of these areas has special functions whose interplay enables auditory perception. The ear cartilage, auricle, earlobes and the external auditory canal form the outer ear. The sound waves are captured by this and at the same time the source of the sounds (front, back, side, etc.) can be located. In the middle ear - consisting of eardrum, tympanic cavity and the ossicles anvil, hammer, and stirrup - the incoming acoustic stimuli are further processed by means of the so-called mechanical impedance transformation and transmitted to the inner ear. In addition, the middle ear is connected via the Eustachian tube with the pharynx, which allows pressure equalization. In the inner ear, the transmitted acoustic signals are finally converted into nerve impulses with the help of the cochlea. In addition, here is the equilibrium organ, which perceives changes in the position and movements or the associated changes in the gravitational force.
Various diseases can affect the individual sections of the ears, for example, in the area of the outer ear more bacterial and mycogenic infections are to be detected, which are associated with corresponding external ear infections (otitis externa). The most well-known illness of the middle ear is the middle ear inflammation, which is differentiated into the acute otitis media (acute otitis media) and the chronic otitis media (chronic otitis media). Also injuries of the eardrum by extreme sound effect are not rare complaints in the area of the middle ear. Increased exposure to noise over an extended period of time may also cause damage to the inner ear, resulting in permanent impairment of the hearing. Occasionally, the inner ear is also affected by various viral infectious diseases (such as measles and mumps). In addition, there is the symptoms of the so-called hearing loss, in which a sudden loss of hearing - often in conjunction with tinnitus and dizziness - is observed. The causes of this sound sensory disorder remain unclear to this day.
Overall, the ears are an extremely sensitive organ, which can be significantly affected by both mechanical and pathological influences and in the worst case sustained damage. In particular, a permanently high sound exposure is urgently to avoid in terms of ear health or hearing. It should also be promptly reacted at the first signs of infection or inflammation to prevent serious consequences. The walk to the specialist is strongly advised. (Fp)
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