Dengue fever

Dengue fever /

The symptoms of dengue fever

Many vacationers are drawn to exotic destinations with tropical climate. Unfortunately, it often comes to diseases that are not native to Germany. This includes dengue fever. Dengue is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, South and Southeast Asia, and Africa. The viral infection is transmitted by a sting of the diurnal Asian tiger mosquito as well as by the Aedes mosquito. In Southeast Asia and Africa, monkeys can be virus carriers. The incubation period of dengue fever is three to fourteen days. Symptoms may include headache and body aches. An itchy rash may also occur in some patients. A majority of those affected survive the dengue without further consequences, but it can come in the following infections to a life-threatening shock.

Dengue fever - prevention and long-term consequences

Since there is no vaccine and medication for this tropical disease, prevention is a priority. This consists mainly of avoidance of mosquito bites in the corresponding areas. Bright, loose clothing, mosquito nets and mosquito repellent with the active ingredient DEET (diethyltoluamide) are suitable for this purpose. The great danger of dengue fever is not in the first infection. If a person is more often affected by this disease, there is a risk of dengue shock syndrome. This leads to a severe drop in blood pressure, which requires immediate medical treatment. Without medical help, the shock ends in 40 to 50 percent of cases deadly. (Vb)

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