intestinal flora

intestinal flora /

Intestinal flora - definition

The intestinal flora, also referred to as intestinal flora, intestinal microbiota or intestinal microbiome, is the totality of the microorganisms that colonize the intestines of a human or animal. The intestinal flora takes on vital functions in digestion and immune defense. The intestinal flora of a human is a complex bacterial ecosystem. Within a gut flora bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes live together in a symbiosis. The formation of intestinal flora begins shortly after birth. The number of intestinal bacteria within a gut flora increases constantly with increasing age. Through the intestinal flora fiber in the colon are broken down and broken down into high-energy short-chain fatty acids. In addition, a healthy intestinal flora is important for the development of a strong immune system.

Symptoms of a disturbed intestinal flora

In a gut flora out of balance, the defense in the intestine can no longer be maintained properly and it can lead to an increased settlement of fungi or pathogens. This can result in various ailments such as flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, recurring gastrointestinal disturbances, food intolerances, constant fatigue, headaches or fungal infections of the intestine. (Vb)

Build intestinal flora: That's how it works

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