blood test

blood test /

The blood test is one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine today. On the basis of a laboratory examination of the blood count let contained nutrients, enzymes, hormones and antibodies determine etc., which in turn allows conclusions about existing diseases. For example, the liver values ​​are checked in a blood test in order to check possible malfunctions of the organ. Inflammatory levels, blood glucose levels, coagulation factors and many other biomarkers (including tumor markers) for which specific reference values ​​are available can also be determined. For example, a tiny drop of blood is enough to measure blood sugar. In most cases, however, a slightly larger amount of blood is required, which requires the removal of a blood sample from the doctor.

Lifesaving: New blood test a breakthrough in rapid heart attack diagnosis

Physicians develop a new heart attack test A newly developed blood test could be a breakthrough in the treatment of heart attacks ...
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Examination with the urologist important If red traces in the usually yellowish urine mix, should take the concerned seriously and a urologist on the ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Researchers: Blood test designed for survival prognosis of pancreatic cancer

New Test Enables More Effective Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer Researchers found that the tumor DNA in the blood is used as a prognostic marker for ...
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New Blood Test May Reduce Needless Prescribing Antibiotics We need to look for new ways to prevent overuse of antibiotics.
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