
beer /

Beer is a beverage that in this country was one of the staple foods in the Middle Ages and still remains the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Germany today. It is brewed from hops and other ingredients according to the specifications of the so-called purity requirement (beer regulation). Although the alcohol contained is critically evaluated from a health point of view, positive effects of beer consumption, such as on the cardiovascular system, have been identified in various studies. In 2017, a British study came to the conclusion that beer is also an effective painkiller that helps, for example, for headaches. (Fp)

High beer consumption often drink at the Oktoberfest a trigger for cardiac arrhythmia

Alcohol consumption increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias High levels of alcohol consumption are known to have many adverse health effects. Well could ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> OLG: Alcohol is not "digestible" even in beer

OLG Stuttgart prohibits advertising of the Swabian Härle brewery beer may not be advertised as "wholesome". Such advertising is not compatible with EU ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Puzzling grief: Patient must compulsively self-satisfy after a beer

Enigmatic disease: Young man masturbates after a small beer in public without shame Scientists from China report on a worldwide unique ...
More 'data-url = " selbstbstüßigen-20161016206235" data-lang = " DE "data-theme =" color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Recycled urine beer? From filtered urine to be brewed new beer

Project of Belgian scientists: Beer from filtered urine Scientists from the University of Ghent have raised the urine of visitors at a big festival.
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