
comfrey /
Comfrey is a medicinal plant that already indicates the attributed effect in its name. Because earlier she found especially in bone fractures and blunt joint injury application - it should do the bone (leg) good. Especially the comfrey is used today against sprains, bruises and joint pain, but there are numerous other species. However, in view of the potentially harmful pyrrolizidine alkaloids contained, the (self-) application has meanwhile been assessed critically and, as a precaution, only funds from the pharmacy should be used, as they must comply with certain limit values. (Fp)

Naturopathy: comfrey extract in case of injuries

Comfrey extract convinces in the treatment of dull traumas of children According to current surveys in Germany every year 1.67 million children have to ...
More comfrey relieves back pain

Study: Comfrey helps with back pain03.07.2013Many people suffer from acute back pain of unknown origin. Local anti-inflammatory application ...

(Photo 1: lukasbeno /