Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)

Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor) /
Internist and family doctor Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch is professional supervision at
Ms Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch is a specialist in internal medicine (internist), a trained emergency physician and has been working as a registered doctor for about 20 years. In her practice she is confronted daily with a variety of different symptoms, ranging from harmless colds to serious illnesses. Their medical expertise and experience are correspondingly broad.

Ms. Schindewolf-Lensch is a specialist in internal medicine and has been working as a registered doctor for about 20 years. With Heilpraxis she helps as a technical supervision in the quality control of our contributions.

In addition to conventional methods, Ms. Schindewolf-Lensch also uses homeopathy and acupuncture for the treatment. For medical practice, Ms Schindewolf-Lensch works as a technical supervisor, whose knowledge is incorporated in the specialist contributions to diseases and symptoms.