to bathe

to bathe /

For a thorough cleansing of the body bathing is one of the very own habits of humans and animals. However, baths are not only used for body care, but there are also a variety of medical applications. The relaxing effect of a warm bath can, for example, help against tensions and the resulting back pain. The addition of herbal ingredients and oils can also be specifically targeted against other complaints and appropriate finished bath additives, for example, as a decanter can be purchased today in most drugstores and pharmacies. In addition, bathing in the swimming pool or lake is a popular leisure activity. (Fp)

After swimming: remove accumulated water from the ear risk-free

What about water in the ear? Be it in the outdoor pool, at the lake or in the sea: In summer temperatures, there is nothing better than to relax in the water.
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Rare Deadly Amoeba May Be Accepted by the Water An 18-year-old teenage female from the United States is now suffering from a brain-devouring am ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data- theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Treat water in the ear after bathing

What swimmers can do against water in their ears while bathing 19.07.2014In summer temperatures, many people are drawn to the outdoor pools, lakes ...
More seniors should cool off before bathing

Wasserwacht advises seniors to cool down before bathing09.07.2013The sunny weather invites you to take a bath. But a hasty jump into the ku ...