Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine /
Alternative medicine is a collective term for medical concepts, the effect of which has not been unambiguously scientifically substantiated, but here a variety of different diagnostic and treatment procedures are lumped and also a demarcation in the direction of the so-called mainstream medicine is suggested in the medical practice in this Form does not exist. For example, many people see naturopathy as an alternative medicine that can not be attributed to evidence-based medicine. For some areas of naturopathy, however, the effect has long been clearly scientifically proven and so, for example, the conventional medicine for many diseases on the active ingredients of medicinal plants, ie on phytotherapy, a core element of natural medicine.

Alternative physicians must also have conventional medicine in mind

German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) calls for comparative weighing of consequences in the event of serious interventions Alternative treatment methods are legally permissible and therefore can not be ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> 75 percent prefer alternative medicine

More than three quarters of patients prefer alternative medicine28.09.2011How does the German population stand to conventional pharmaceuticals?

(Photo 1: Alexander Raths /