
Older /

On the one hand, age always refers to the number of years of life we ​​have lived through, on the other hand, we speak of age, when people have reached the life span around the average life expectancy of their generation. Over the course of life, the human body is subject to natural wear that limits the maximum achievable age, although experts are arguing over where this upper limit of life expectancy (115 years or higher?) Lies. According to information from the Federal Statistical Office, in the birth year 2017, boys could live on average up to 90 years and girls up to 93 years if the current trend is continued.

Good friendships are more important to health than family relationships

How do good friends affect our health? Especially in old age, social relationships are very important to loneliness and certain diseases.
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Researchers investigate whether drugs can improve health aspects of old age It is part of the course of life that the human body is always ...
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Experts examine the effects of different training methods Sufficient exercise is important for general physical health. Any…
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Study finds dramatic changes in personality As people grow older, so too does the body, and the consequences of it are usually not to be overcome.
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