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Back pain Test if it is the spinal canal

Chronic back pain - it's on the spinal canal?18/12/2013 Narrowing in the spinal canal, among the most common diseases of...

Back pain study did not show paracetamol effective

Back pain: paracetamol not effectiveIs paracetamol the right choice for back pain? This question was answered by scientists from Australia...

Back pain sex without pain

Back problems: Sex positions without pain09/11/2014 Canadian researchers have studied the course of the sexual act and learned from it...

Back pain Rarely is the cross the cause

In case of low back pain mechanical causes do not always have to be responsible The cross does not always...

Back pain Avoid everyday back traps

Avoid back pain by simple preventive measures 02/07/2012 Almost a third of Germans suffer from recurrent back pain. Almost every...

Back pain can have psychological causes

„I have backs“: Cause of pain can be mental03/10/2015 Millions of people in Germany repeatedly suffer from back pain. Sometimes...

Treat back pain with interdisciplinary efficacy

Together for pain: treating back problems effectivelyIn case of unspecific low back pain sufferers often experience years of medical odysseys...

Back pain More and more therapies for back problems

More and more Germans have their backs: over 60 million absentee daysBack pain has become a true folk disease. Cause...

Back pain is the most common cause of sick leave

DAK Health Report: Back pain is the most common cause of sick leave 02/17/2011 The Health Report of the German...