Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Should the last smallpox viruses be destroyed?
Debate about the destruction of the last smallpox viruses05/20/2014 Now 34 years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the...
Solidary care instead of private care risk
National solidarity: Securing care in solidarity instead of privatizing care risk 16/03/2011 The Social Voluntary Solidarity Association strongly opposes the...
Solidarity agriculture has a future
Solidarity agriculture: a model for the future 01/21/2014 The idea is simple. In view of the quasi-global supermarket, where everything...
Solidary financing of long-term care insurance
Social Union: Solidary financing of long-term care insurance required 31/03/2011 At its meeting on February 26, 2011, the Federal Board...
Soldiers against mosquitoes Brazil uses military in the fight against dangerous Zika mosquitoes
Military fight against the Zika mosquito: 220,000 soldiers deployed in BrazilA dangerous pathogen is currently spreading in several countries in...
Solarium tan risks due to lack of education
Tanning beds solarium tanning: risks due to lack of education, old equipment and exceeding the limit The German supervisory authorities...
Soya spicy woman having died after drinking a bottle of soy sauce
False medical news can have drastic consequences Currently, English media report a woman who followed a false report on the...
Soy drinks and co. Vegetable milk reduces the growth of children
Children grow less if they get herbal milk instead of cow's milkIn the past, milk was the epitome of healthy...
Sojadrinks About every third drink is deficient, according to Stiftung Warentest
Sojadrinks: Stiftung Warentest rated every third product as "deficient" Herbal alternatives to cow's milk have been experiencing a boom for...
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