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Gum disease can cause type 2 diabetes

Periodontal disease is a sign of type 2 diabetes? The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are not always easy to...

Gingivitis Smoking increases the risk of toothache

Significantly increased risk of tooth loss due to smokingAn international research team found in a long-term study that smoking significantly...

Gingivitis can lead to cardiovascular diseases

Oral Health: Periodontitis can promote heart disease Health experts say that around three out of four adults suffer from periodontitis...

Bleeding gums and bad breath may indicate periodontitis

Do not take early symptoms like swollen gums lightly Periodontal disease is one of the most common dental diseases and...

Dentures and Implants Who actually needs additional dental insurance?

Supplementary dental insurance is not worthwhile for everyone alikeAlthough the number of private dental insurance has risen sharply in recent...

Dentures Specifically ask for alternatives

Ask the dentist for alternatives 01/10/2014 If after filling a tooth, the gap needs to be filled, patients should consult...

Dental disease and the cardiovascular system

Tooth space study: Evidence of effects of dental disease on the cardiovascular system evidenced. In a Swedish study, a correlation...

Tooth inflammations Dangerous to the heart

Periodontitis can be dangerous for the heart 07/10/2014 Around twelve million people in Germany are struggling with periodontitis. The result...

Toothpaste test Toothpastes for 65 cents were better than one for 100 euros

Stiftung Warentest tests 32 toothpastes: Cheap often very goodThe consumer advocates of Stiftung Warentest have examined a total of 32...