All articles - Page 214

Lots of fat with diabetes and psycho-stress

German health: Lots of fat with diabetes and psycho-stress 06/15/2012 According to the second nationwide health survey for adults (DEGS),...

Many German babies are ill with measles

In the first half of 2015, more than 170 babies in Germany already had measles. This is the highest number...

Many of the mentally ill men suffer because of their job

Physicians examine the mental health of workersResearchers now found that one out of every three men in a survey said...

Many dementia cases remain undetected in hospitals

How reliable is the diagnosis of dementia in hospitals? More and more people are suffering from dementia today. Researchers have...

Many chemicals increase breast cancer risk

Study names 17 chemicals that could cause breast cancer05/13/2014 Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women in Germany....

Many cases of vomiting Unexpectedly drastic onset of norovirus time in Germany

Contagious vomiting diarrhea: norovirus season starts very early this year and violentDiarrhea, nausea, giddy vomiting: In recent weeks, quite a...

Many workers return to their old job after a burn-out

Working after the burn-out: Many return to their old jobDue to the increasing workload, more and more people experience a...

Many workers go to work sick

DAK study: Majority of employees also go to work sick 09/26/2014 Many workers go to work in spite of illness,...

Many antibiotic-resistant germs in the sausage

Green: 16 percent of the sausage burdened with antibiotic-resistant ESBL germs 05/21/2014 In a study commissioned by the parliamentary group...