Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
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Obesity, according to studies permanently incurable
US researchers doubt the effect of diets and sports 02/17/2015 Biological adjustments prevent many obese from losing weight permanently, according...
Overweight costs people many years of life
Overweight costs many years of life06/01/2015 That overweight and obesity are not healthy has already been scientifically proven in numerous...
Overweight No quick success through diet
In case of overweight do not expect short-term success through diet 21.02.2012 Serious diets do not advertise customer success within...
Being overweight can cause cancer diseases
Increased Insulin Levels - Why Overweight Promotes CancerOverweight damages your health. Those who weigh too much not only have an...
Obesity can promote cancer
Obesity can promote cancer: reducing one's weight also reduces the risk of cancer. 30/12/2010 According to the German Cancer Research...
Overweight can cause depression
High BMI as a risk factor for depression An international research team recognized in a study a strong link between...
Obesity can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease at a young age
Physicians are studying the effects of increased BMI in young peopleObesity and obesity often lead to health problems. Researchers have...
Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic
Researchers warn against the spread of obesity and obesity 26.08.2011 Overweight and obesity are currently developing into a veritable epidemic...
Overweight is usually a big risk to our health
Risk Factor Overweight: Being fit is good, being leaner is betterThose who are severely overweight can not compensate for the...
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