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Vitamin D daylight better suited as a solarium

Sunlight is better for supplying vitamin D than the solarium 08.02.2012 In order to boost the body's own production of...

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system

Too low a vitamin D level weakens the defense and increases the susceptibility of infections 25/11/2012 In winter, many people...

Vitamin D supplements are actually only recommended for a few people?

Nutritional supplement: According to Stiftung Warentest, vitamin D supplements only make sense for a few It is repeatedly pointed out...

Vitamin D supplements in the test Many popular products are not recommended - some even a risk

Sun Vitamin D: Where there is light is also shadow In the darker season, many people yearn for more sunshine....

Vitamin D pills for better healing in burns

Improved healing of burns with vitamin D. Although the treatment of burns has improved significantly in the last decade, many...

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms in winter lead to these diseases

Have the vitamin D mirror checked by the doctorOne third of the German population is poorly supplied with vitamin D....

Vitamin D deficiency bad for the bones

Lack of sun leads to bone damage - beach vacation as a protection against vitamin D deficiency? 07/11/2013 Sufficient sun...

Effectively counter vitamin D deficiency with healthy foods

Vitamin D deficiency in seniors should be compensated Only recently was it reported that around 60 percent of children and...

Vitamin D deficiency possible cause of dementia?

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the risk of dementia 08/13/2014 Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of dementia in...