Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Shingles symptoms correctly and act quickly
Herpes Zoster: Shingles should always be treated quickly Shingles (herpes zoster) is a disease caused by the virus that also...
Shingles These are the first symptoms - fast action is important!
Herpes Zoster: Shingles should always be treated quickly For a shingles, it is important that they are quickly recognized and,...
Shingles favors multiple sclerosis
A shingles seems to favor the onset of multiple sclerosis 10/06/2011 Scientists suspected this relationship for some time and a...
Treat shingles on the ear quickly
Shingles on the ear The virus infection shingles can also affect the human ear. Rapid treatment should be initiated to...
Biggest advertising lies 2017 kids biscuit by Alete with Golden Windbeutel considered
Golden cream puff for Alete: Biscuit for babies with 25 percent sugar A biscuit, which is advertised for babies from...
Largest health study with 200,000 participants
National cohort: Germany's largest health study 09/27/2014 200,000 people will be examined in the coming years as part of the...
Greater dimensions in the fraud with cancer drugs?
Pharmacists: Greater dimensions in the fraud with cancer drugs? Is the fraud of pharmacists with cancer drugs in Germany but...
Grass pollen flight is imminent
Grass pollen flight marks the peak of hay fever season 08/04/2011 The hay fever high season has begun. The birch...
City air air pollution carcinogenic
World Health Organization (WHO) classifies air pollution as a Group 1 carcinogen 18/10/2013 Carcinogenic air pollution! That an increased air...
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