Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Brain Disorder That's why overweight people just can not get enough
Possible explanation for the often lack of satiety feeling found by obese people German researchers have discovered a possible explanation...
Brain stimulation can improve speech after stroke
Every year, around 250,000 people in this country suffer a stroke. Often patients have to struggle with the consequences throughout...
Brain pacemaker can help Parkinson's patients
Parkinson's disease: brain pacemaker keeps impulsive behavior in check Parkinson's disease is an incurable chronic progressive disease of the central...
Stroke prevention Every second stroke could have been prevented
Health expert: every second stroke to preventEvery year more than a quarter of a million people in Germany suffer a...
Stroke after kiss 17-year-old patient dies of fatal consequences of a hickey
Hickey leads to a blood clot in the brainYoung people smooch. Sometimes they smooch so much that a "hickey" remains....
Stroke aspirin can prevent a severe stroke
Study: People should take aspirin immediately if they have a strokeA stroke can be known to have life-threatening consequences. Researchers...
Brain scan can display later math performances
Future math achievements in the brain recognizable 04/30/2013 Whether a primary school student in later life will have a good...
Cerebral reindeer - 2000 animals had to die
The "Chronic wasting thisease" (CWD) is among the reindeer of Norway. Toxic proteins trigger this deadly disease of the brain....
Meningitis Zika virus also appears to be a threat to adults
Dangerous Zika virus can obviously also harm adult brainsThe Zika virus, which is suspected of causing neonatal skull malformations, may...
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