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Health insurance reform rich people should pay

Reform of health insurance: rich people in the future pay more health insurance contributions? 05/25/2013 The model of private health...

Health insurance reform of the reform

Renewed health insurance reform by the Federal Cabinet decided 03/26/2014 Every federal government in recent decades has at least once...

Health insurance companies expect additional contributions

Additional contributions for all 50 million contributors?06/19/2014 From next year, the 50 million members of the statutory health insurance companies...

Health insurance premiums stimulate change

Forsa survey: 14 percent of the cash register members would change the health insurance company if there was a premium...

Health insurance Only health card valid

From 1 January 2015, only the new health card will apply 26/12/2014 At the end of the year, legally insured...

Health insurance Non-payers cause losses

Statutory health insurance companies suffer billions in damages from defaulting contributors 02/02/2012 While the private health insurance industry negotiates with...

Health insurance New additional contributions 2012?

New health insurance additional contributions already in 2012? (11.09.2010) According to the federal chairman general local health insurance fund be...

Health insurance companies have to decide quickly

BSG strengthens "fictitious approval" for requested services The statutory health insurance funds must continue to decide quickly on benefit claims...

Health insurance companies have to pay Lucentis

AMD: Kassen have to pay for Lucentis 09/04/2014 Patients receiving the drug for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration „Lucentis“...