Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
All articles - Page 1047
Marijuana reduces the working memory
How cannabis affects working memory 02.03.2012 Numerous research points to the positive effects of cannabis in the treatment of serious...
Using marijuana increases the risk of acute cardiac stress disorders
Marijuana use can cause stress cardiomyopathyWhen people ingest marijuana, it can cause abnormal heart muscle dysfunction. This condition, called stress...
Milk thistle - effect and application
Medicinal plant Milk Thistle: So it is used and so is the effectThe milk thistle, known in the jargon as...
Maria Bessel, practice of naturopathy
Maria Bessel, Naturopathic Practice: Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle form of massage, a touch that balances the flow of...
Marguerite - application, healing power, recipes
We value daisies as ornamental plants on the balcony or in the garden. It has been forgotten as a remedy...
Margarine dispute Unilever food company wins in court against Foodwatch
The company Unilever may continue to claim that a scientist says that from a scientific point of view, there was...
Marcel Reich-Ranicki suffers from cancer
The 92-year-old literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki is cared for at home 05.03.2013 The respected literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki (92) claims...
Map Report 2011 PKV providers achieve top marks
Map-Report 2012: PKV of Debeka and Deutscher Ring achieve top marks 21.02.2012 The current „Map Report PKV Test 2012“ As...
Manuka honey effect and application
Even among the Greeks honey was known as a remedy. Hippocrates used him in fever and as a wound dressing....
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