Health News - Page 983

Using marijuana increases the risk of acute cardiac stress disorders

Marijuana use can cause stress cardiomyopathyWhen people ingest marijuana, it can cause abnormal heart muscle dysfunction. This condition, called stress...

Margarine dispute Unilever food company wins in court against Foodwatch

The company Unilever may continue to claim that a scientist says that from a scientific point of view, there was...

Marcel Reich-Ranicki suffers from cancer

The 92-year-old literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki is cared for at home 05.03.2013 The respected literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki (92) claims...

Map Report 2011 PKV providers achieve top marks

Map-Report 2012: PKV of Debeka and Deutscher Ring achieve top marks 21.02.2012 The current „Map Report PKV Test 2012“ As...

Manual or electric? - What matters when choosing the toothbrush

It does not always have to be an electric one: what really matters when choosing a toothbrushRegular brushing is the...

Man-to-woman transsexuals can only become fathers

BGH: Birth register is based on biological reproductionEven after a parent's sex change, children should always have only one legal...

Man licked by dog ​​and loses both legs and hands due to bacterial infection

The saliva of dogs can contain dangerous bacteria Dog kisses are almost always "normal" for dog owners. But this can...

Man of Ebola patient threatened with lawsuit

Man from Spanish Ebola patient threatens with lawsuit21/10/2014 Javier Limón, spouse of the care assistant Teresa Romero, who is suffering...

Man dies after consuming squirrels from severe infection

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Man died after eating Squirrel Brain In the US, a man died from a very rare disease after...