Health News - Page 750

Periodontitis Lifelong tooth preservation quite possible

Experts warn against the creeping danger of periodontitisMany factors can affect the health of our teeth, with tooth decay and...

Parkinson's disease gets stem cells planted in the brain

Six years ago, Shinya Yamanaka received the Nobel Prize for the development of so-called iPS cells. Now, for the first...

Parkinson shows up with an odor test of the nose

New smell test can detect Parkinson's in the early stages 06/17/2012 Parkinson's disease can be diagnosed early on using a...

Parkinson's partly an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune response plays an important role in Parkinson's diseaseParkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease that is widespread throughout the world. Researchers...

Parkinson's tai chi helps with balance disorder

Parkinson's: Tai Chi helps against balance disorders12/02/2012 Parkinson's is a degenerative, neurological disease characterized by major limitations in the ability...

Parkinson's Timely diagnosis through skin sample

Parkinson's: Skin sample could allow for earlier diagnosis06/05/2014 In Germany, hundreds of thousands of people suffer from the neurodegenerative disease...

Parkinson's in the nose recognize

Smell test shows Parkinson's disease 06/14/2012 The Parkinson's disease does not begin as is often assumed in the motor centers...

Parkinson's hundreds of thousands of Germans affected

Nerve disease on the rise worldwide: Experts inform about Parkinson's 12/04/2011 On the occasion of World Parkinson's Day yesterday, physicians...

Recognize Parkinson's disease early and successfully treat it

Recognize and treat Parkinson's disease earlyParkinson's is incurable to this day. The causes are still poorly scientifically researched. The neurologist...