Health News - Page 65

Scientists Not enough sleep makes us unattractive for our fellow human beings

How does sleep affect our attractiveness??Surely most people have already heard the following saying: Man needs enough beauty sleep. Researchers...

Scientists to generosity Why giving gives us much happier

Generous people are happierLife is a take and give, it says in an old saying. This is not quite balanced....

Scientists prove broken heart

Researchers identify "broken heart" as a stress infarct. 09/19/2013 It sounds little scientific. Two to three patients with a suspected...

Scientist Why people often have a side preference when kissing

Kiss and hug: Why do people have side preferences here? When people embrace, they usually start with the right hand....

Scientists warn against antibiotic resistance

Occurrence of antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to human health? 29/01/2013 Researchers are raising the alarm, because...

Scientist tattoos strengthen our immune system

People with many tattoos are better protected from coldsThere are more and more people with tattoos. Today, this type of...

Scientists are testing vaccine against colorectal cancer for the first time

Vaccination should help against colon cancerColorectal cancer is one of the three most common cancers in Germany. Around 26,000 Germans...

Scientists are testing bacterial batteries on a piece of paper for the first time

New technology gets its energy from bacteriaAmerican researchers have succeeded in developing a battery on a single sheet of paper...

Scientists breastfeeding protects mothers from cardiovascular disease in the long term

Physicians are studying the long-term effects of breastfeedingDo breastfeeding of babies in mothers actually lead to health benefits? Researchers found...