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Health News - Page 609
Doctors successfully removed huge 1.87 kg brain tumor
Like a head on another head Several Indian media are currently reporting an incredible track record. Apparently, an Indian medical...
Doctors remove giant tumor at Ungarin
Woman freed of 25 kilograms of heavy tumor06/11/2014 In Hungary, doctors of a 46-year-old woman have removed a 25-kilogram tumor....
Doctors remove a 17-kilo tumor
17 kilo tumor patient: doctors remove tumor the size of a medicine ball06/23/2013 A 50-year-old female patient underwent a 17-kilogram...
Doctors remove 8 kilogram tumor
Twice as large as his head: doctors remove 8-kilogram tumor 02/18/2015 For decades a man from Madagascar lived with a...
Doctors remove 23 kilogram tumor
23 kilogram tumor successfully eliminated in a patient from Bulgaria 20/08/2013 For several years now amazing results have been reported...
Doctors Ebola suspicion in Dusseldorf
Patient with suspected Ebola admitted to the University Hospital of Dusseldorf In Germany, a new Ebola suspected case has occurred....
Doctors should not trust patient diagnosis
Verdict: orthopedic missed important demands - man died of a heart attack 15/04/2012 Patients often come to the doctor with...
Doctors deny bribery with catch premiums
Doctors indignant about the charge of corruption 05/24/2012 According to a recent study commissioned by the umbrella association of statutory...
Doctors evaluate health insurance companies
Online portal offers doctors the opportunity to evaluate health insurance 28/09/2012 After several health insurance companies have already introduced portals...
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