Health News - Page 563

Feasting at Christmas time How to prevent a morbid fatty liver

More and more Germans are suffering from fatty liver - many children are affected as well The foie gras, which...

Feasting on Christmas and New Year's Eve What helps the stomach over the holidays

Bloating and heartburn: the stomach needs help over the holidays On Christmas and New Year's Eve is usually eaten a...

Mucous membrane tastes bitter germs

The human mucous membrane can detect germs in the bitter taste 09/10/2012 US researchers have found in the course of...

Bad-tempered anti-baby pill affects well-being in women

Researchers are studying the effects of taking the anti-baby pillMany women take the pill to prevent unwanted pregnancies. However, the...

Bad Pamlöl More and more foods are prepared with cheap fat

More and more foods apparently contain cheap fat. This shows an analysis of theGuide portal "Codecheck", which was recently published...

Bad mineral water bandage against foundation

Association defends itself against Stiftung Warentest 07/27/2014 Only six out of 30 mineral water varieties were able to pass the...

Bad image for private health insurance

The PKV had to fight this year with many negative headlines 22/08/2012 So far this year is not a good...

Bad fat This is how palm oil in food damages your health

Almost every second food in this country now contains palm oil. Experts believe that this oil has extremely negative health...

Worse benefits with early division

Performances of Bavarian students suffer from early division of students 15/02/2013 The usual division of students in Bavaria, depending on...