Health News - Page 525

Serious Infection by Tampon's Patient Dies on Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

Toxic shock syndrome: 13-year-old girl died because of a tamponA 13-year-old girl from the UK died because she forgot to...

Tampon severe infection. The female patient is poisoned with Toxic shock syndrome

Examination stress: 20-year-old woman almost died because of forgotten tamponInternal restlessness, stress and fear of exams are widespread. Some people...

Heavy flu epidemic arrived in Germany - these are the flu symptoms

Fever, headache and body aches: flu season 2017/18 has begun In the cold winter months, many people are sick -...

Heavy flu outbreak in winter?

Experts predict severe flu episodes in winter 28/09/2012 Every year around 100,000 people around the world die as a result...

Heavy flu in winter expected

Germany expects a rapid increase in influenza infections in winter: Experts recommend vaccination 10/09/2012 The experts of the German Association...

Severe flu epidemic survived a total of almost 7000 cases

In the 2014/2015 season, the flu has struck much more frequently than usual. With regard to the coming influenza season,...

Heavy flu outbreak Berlin complains 1. fatalities

Heavy flu epidemic: Berlin laments first fatality07/03/2015 Nationwide, tens of thousands of influenza cases have been reported in recent weeks....

Severe Endometriosis Woman draws attention to her suffering with a frightening photo

Unbearable menstrual pain: Young woman warns of consequences of endometriosisPeriod pain is one of the most common complaints during menstruation....

Heavy blood poisoning threatens Fingernägelkauen can be life-threatening

Young Briton was in mortal danger after nails chewing Fingernail chewing is especially common in children, but some adults nibble...