Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
Health News - Page 496
Does the number of doctor visits actually decrease?
Statistics: Germans go to the doctor only ten times a year? 12/04/2013 Recently, patients had to wait a long time...
Declining quality of life in Germany
The OECD has published a new study on the quality of life in the Member States, with a scary result...
Singles die earlier of a heart attack
Singles are at higher risk for heart attacks than married couples 31.01.2013 Singles are at higher risk for heart attacks...
Single gene creates relationship pitch
Bad luck in love? Permanently single? 5-HTA1 makes you lonely27/11/2014 Singles may not even be responsible for their loneliness. Chinese...
Singing to strengthen the immune system
Singing has positive effects on the immune system 06/08/2012 Singing strengthens the immune system, explained Professor Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller,...
Singing is healthy for the heart
Cardiovascular functions are positively influenced 29/07/2013 Swedish scientists at the University of Gothenburg have found that the heart rate of...
Singing in choir as good as yoga
Synchronous heartbeat with choir singers 09/07/2013 Singing in the choir is known for its positive effects on the well-being of...
Singing helps children remember the songs from the mother's belly
Prenatal Learning: Infants remember music in the wombIf expectant mothers sing to their offspring before birth or play music, this...
Are vitamins useful in sweets?
Vitamins in sweets? In fact, the added vitamins and supplements actually have a benefit to the human body? (23.07.2010) You...
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