Health News - Page 458

Stem cell therapy makes hair grow again

New hair for baldies through stem cell therapy 04/19/2012 A stem cell treatment could sprout new hair in the bearer....

Barn dust protects children from allergies

Barn dust protects children in the countryside from allergies. The question of why children in rural areas are less affected...

Stall duty for poultry because of bird flu

Desired stable obligation in the bird flu risk areas 25/11/2014 Due to the bird flu, there is provision for poultry...

City life increases stress susceptibility

The risk of mental illness among citizens is significantly increased 23/06/2011 City life causes increased susceptibility to stress. Numerous studies...

Stable circulation despite humidity

Sultry causes circulatory problems in many people07/30/2014 Currently there is a warm and humid weather throughout Germany. Many people react...

Public prosecutor's office is investigating millions of prescription frauds by pharmacists

Media report: prosecutors investigate because of millionaire pharmacist fraudIt has recently become known that frivolous care services are beating health...

State agency for cultivation and trade of cannabis planned

State Agency should regulate cultivation and trade of cannabis for pain therapyMarijuana is also used as a medicine in many...

Sweeteners harm your health

Sweeteners change the intestinal flora and promote diabetes08/10/2014 Countless foods are sweetened with sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin or sodium...

Sweeteners may promote diabetes

Sweeteners may promote diabetes 09/22/2014 As reported by Israeli researchers, artificial sweeteners apparently alter the intestinal flora and can lead...