Health News - Page 413

Study gut bacteria promotes overweight

Intestinal bacteria can promote the development of obesity 01/10/2014 A special intestinal bacterium promotes the development of obesity. At least...

Study intestinal bacteria can help against obesity

Composition of the intestinal flora with significant influence on body weightWhen the composition of the intestinal bacteria changes in mice...

Study Chronic stress leads to a heart attack

Relationship between stress and myocardial infarction 06/23/2014 It has long been known that stress is harmful to health. US scientists...

Study Chronic sleep deprivation results in increased waist circumference and BMI

Too little sleep can affect our weight?Everyone should already know that the human body needs enough sleep. Lack of sleep...

Study chronic inflammatory bowel disease

A research team has uncovered new insights into the disease-causing molecular processes in inflammatory bowel disease.09/17/2014 Recurrent diarrhea, abdominal pain...

Study capsaicin slowed growth of breast cancer cells

Capsaicin, an ingredient of harsh substances such as pepperoni or pepper, inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. This is...

Study cannabis acts against the toxic protein deposits

What effects does THC have on Alzheimer's?? Researchers have now found that an active compound in marijuana promotes the removal...

Study cannabis changes shape of sperm

Fertility study: Cannabis smoking can damage fertility 06/06/2014 Cannabis smoking can negatively affect fertility. This resulted in a large-scale British...

Study cannabis do not smoke a trigger but result of schizophrenia?

Does cannabis cause schizophrenia or does schizophrenic use cannabis??Researchers now tried to better understand the connection between schizophrenia and cannabis....